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Home > Roughly estimated in a sentence

Roughly estimated in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2021-07-25Updated:2021-07-25
Similar words: rough estimateestimatedestimated lifeestimated costroughlyestimated time of arrivalestimated valueestimated costs
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1. The visual fields can be roughly estimated by confrontation.
2. The numerical results for a group of roughly estimated parameters show that the proposed model may be able to explain the nonrandom usage of synonymous codons.
3. It can be roughly estimated that an average of 300 to apply to a house.
4. The population of this city is roughly estimated at about one million.
5. It is roughly estimated that 20% children and adolescents suffer from mental disorders worldwide, which accounts for 12.3% of the total Disability Adjusted Life Years(DALYs).
6. Then the ability to alleviate the conflict between supply and requirement of northwest water resources are roughly estimated.
7. The immense nebula contains at least a dozen brilliant stars that are roughly estimated to be at least 50 to 100 times the mass of our
8. As time passed, the water in the leaves became more and more and the leaves huddled up into "bags". They roughly estimated that each leaf could hold more than half a liter of water.
9. The range of the number of switches to be installed is roughly estimated.
10. There is a huge disparity between the numbers you two roughly estimated.
More similar words: rough estimateestimatedestimated lifeestimated costroughlyestimated time of arrivalestimated valueestimated coststhoroughlyestimated useful lifeit is estimated thatroughly speakingestimateoverestimateunderestimatebudget estimatetoughlymake an estimate ofpreliminary estimateestimatorestimatingestimationestimativein my estimationguesstimatethrough lineoverestimationcost estimationcost estimatingultimate demand
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